
Let's Donate! One Family One Lamp.

 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
 السلام عليكم رحمة الله وبركاته

---forwarded--- ref:http://mkpalestin.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/donation-drive-projek-one-family-one.html
Assalamualaikum wbt,

Bermula hari ini, Israa Institution secara rasmi akan melancarkan donation drive untuk projek 'One Family One Lamp (OFOL)'. Donation drive ini akan dibuka selama 2 minggu sahaja iaitu dari 16 Mei - 1 Jun 2012. Kutipan derma akan disalurkan kepada Aqsa Syarif dan dibawa terus ke Gaza melalui konvoi Aqsa2Gaza7 bermula 10 - 19 Jun nanti. Sila rujuk poster projek untuk maklumat lanjut dan cara pembayaran. Ayuh, jangan bertangguh, mari menyumbang!

Israa Institution
'Palestine in our heart'

[Poster OFOL bagi UK]

[Poster OFOL bagi Ireland]

Artikel Khas Sempena Nakba

TUESDAY, 15 MAY 2012

Artikel Khas Sempena Nakba oleh Israa Institution
15 Mei 1948 adalah tarikh penting dalam sejarah dunia di mana telah berlakunya peristiwa Nakbah (malapetaka). Pada tarikh ini jugalah negara haram Israel telah diisytiharkan oleh Perdana Menteri pertamanya iaitu David Ben Gurion.

Palestin di bawah mandat British

Sebelum 1917 (sebelum penjajahan British), bilangan masyarakat yahudi di Palestin adalah kira-kira 50,000 orang dan pemilikan tanah mereka adalah kira-kira 2%. Majoriti daripada mereka berhijrah ke Palestin semasa zaman Uthmaniyyah disebabkan pembunuhan, diskriminasi dan tekanan yang dilakukan oleh Eropah terhadap bangsa yahudi. Mereka memilih Palestin kerana mendapati kerajaan Uthmaniyyah melaksanakan polisi layanan sama rata kepada semua tanpa mengira bangsa. Bangsa yahudi dan arab palestin tinggal bersama, bahu membahu tanpa sebarang masalah.

Gerakan Zionist antarabangsa juga diasaskan rentetan daripada diskriminasi terhadap bangsa yahudi oleh masyarakat Eropah. Theodor Herzl, pengasas gerakan Zionist berpendapat bahawa terhadap 2 cara untuk menamatkan diskriminasi terhadap yahudi iaitu; (1) meninggalkan budaya mereka secara total dan meng-adaptasi dengan budaya eropah atau (2) menubuhkan sebuah negara atau 'nation state' khusus untuk bangsa Yahudi. Gerakan Zionist kemudiannya memilih untuk menubuhkan negara yahudi di Palestin.

Dari tahun 1917 - 1948 iaitu semasa penjajahan British, bilangan yahudi di Palestin meningkat daripada 50,000 kepada ~500,000. Bilangan ini adalah 30% daripada population Palestin manakala 70% lagi adalah rakyat asal palestin. Pemilikan tanah yahudi pula meningkat daripada 2% kepada 6%. Semua ini berlaku atas sokongan British terhadap projek Zionist.

Resolusi 181 PBB

Apabila British mengambil keputusan untuk meninggalkan Palestin, British telah menyerahkan nasib rakyat Palestin kepada PBB. Ini adalah bertentangan dengan kebiasaan (yang berlaku di seluruh dunia) dan undang-undang antarabangsa di mana hak kemerdekaan dan kedaulatan negara akan diserahkan kepada rakyat tempatan selepas penjajahan tamat (self-determination). British mengetahui bahawa sekiranya hak kemerdekaan diserahkan kepada rakyat tempatan, rakyat Palestin akan mendapat majoriti dan memilih untuk menubuhkan negara Palestin yang berdaulat. Ini juga bermaksud kegagalan projek Zionist.

PBB kemudiannya mengeluarkan Resolusi 181 pada November 1947 yang mencadangkan '2 states solution' dimana masyarakat yahudi diberi 55% tanah Palestin. Perkara ini tidak boleh diterima logik akal kerana lebih banyak tanah diberikan masyarakat minoriti yahudi (30% daripada population dan pemilikan tanah hanya 6%) yang majoritinya berhijrah ke Palestin hanya beberapa tahun sebelum itu. Sebagai rakyat asal dan majoriti, masyarakat arab palestin sudah pasti akan menolak cadangan resolusi ini. Beberapa negara arab juga mengusulkan agar Resolusi 181 ini dicabar di mahkamah antarabangsa, namun cadangan mereka tidak dilayan.

Pembersihan etnik oleh tentera Zionist

Pada pandangan Zionist, resolusi 181 masih lagi tidak mencukupi walaupun secara jelas telah menyebelahi mereka. Ideologi Zionist secara jelas mahukan negara ekslusif hanya kepada bangsa yahudi di Palestin yang pada ketika itu diduduki oleh 1.2 juta rakyat asalnya. Dengan kata lain, yahudi hanya akan mendapat majoriti dengan melakukan pembersihan etnik (ethnic cleansing) terhadap penduduk asal Palestin.

Oleh sebab itu, bermula Disember 1947, pihak Zionist mula menyerang perkampungan Palestin dengan tujuan provokasi dan menimbulkan huru hara. Namun, dari Mac - Oktober 1948, pihak Zionist telah mengambil keputusan untuk melancarkan Plan Dalet (Plan D) yang merupakan plan penghapusan etnik secara sistematik dan besar-besaran. Ini dilakukan oleh 12 brigade tentera Zionist yang mendapat arahan terus daripada David Ben Gurion dan beberapa pemimpin Zionist lain (the consultancy). Matlamat mereka adalah jelas iaitu menyerang, menakluk, menghapus dan mengusir rakyat Palestin.

Nakba adalah impak terus daripada penghapusan etnik yang dilakukan oleh Zionist. Dalam masa 7 bulan sahaja, kira-kira 800,000 daripada 1.2 juta rakyat Palestin (65%) diusir daripada tanah air mereka. Melalui Plan Dalet ini jugalah berpuluh-puluh pembunuhan beramai-ramai telah dilakukan terhadap rakyat Palestin. Rumah mereka juga dirobohkan dan aset serta perniagaan mereka dirampas.

Reaksi masyarakat antarabangsa

Peristiwa pembersihan etnik yang dilakukan oleh tentera Zionist pada 1948 disaksikan oleh pelbagai wartawan antarabangsa, Red Cross dan wakil PBB. Namun, agensi-agensi ini mengambil keputusan untuk tidak menerbitkan laporan-laporan tersebut dengan pelbagai alasan. Inilah yang dikatakan sebagai 'the conspiracy of silence'. Kebanyakan editor surat khabar di negara barat tidak menerbitkan kebanyakan laporan kerana tidak mahu mengkritik yahudi terlalu awal selepas peristiwa Holocaust (3 tahun sebelum itu). Red Cross pula atas alasan dilema rasa bersalah atas tindakan mereka yang pasif dan tidak mengkritik Nazi semasa peristiwa Holocaust. PBB pula enggan mengakui bahawa cadangan resolusi 'damai' tajaan mereka sebenarnya adalah resepi kepada kegagalan dan malapetaka. Masyarakat eropah ketika itu menutup mata terhadap kezaliman zionist disebabkan rasa bersalah terhadap diskriminasi yang mereka lakukan terhadap bangsa yahudi sebelum ini. Mereka juga tidak mahu digelar sebagai anti-semitic.

Pihak Zionist pada masa yang sama menyebarkan propoganda kepada dunia bahawa bangsa yahudi berada dalam keadaan genting dan di ambang Holocaust ke-2 (Second Holocaust) di tangan barbaric arab.


Pengusiran rakyat Palestin yang dilakukan Zionist pada 1948 telah menimbulkan isu pelarian Palestin. Kini, setelah 64 tahun, pelarian Palestin dianggarkan kira-kira 6 juta dan ini merupakan isu pelarian paling lama dan paling besar dalam sejarah dunia. Kezaliman Zionist juga tidak tamat hanya pada 1948. Perampasan tanah palestin, pembunuhan dan pembersihan etnik berterusan sehingga kini dalam pelbagai bentuk baru. Rakyat Palestin tidak pernah melakukan kezaliman terhadap bangsa yahudi, malah merupakan mangsa kepada projek Zionist. Projek Zionist ini yang disokong oleh kuasa-kuasa barat atas pelbagai kepentingan yang sebahagiannya atas rasa bersalah terhadap kezaliman dan diskriminasi yang mereka lakukan terhadap bangsa yahudi.

Disediakan oleh,

Abdul Rahman Mohmad
Pengarah & AJK Biro Reseach and Training
Israa Institution

(Sumber: http://mkpalestin.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/artikel-khas-sempena-nakba-oleh-israa.html?m=1 )

Rae Abileah Speaks Out Against AIPAC Members Who Attacked Her

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم رحمة الله وبركاته

Palestine: The True Story Behind It

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم رحمة الله وبركاته

Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم رحمة الله وبركاته


The global movement for a campaign of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel until it complies with international law and Palestinian rights was initiated by Palestinian civil society in 2005. BDS is a strategy that allows people of conscience to play an effective role in the Palestinian struggle for justice.

For decades, Israel has denied Palestinians their fundamental rights of freedom, equality, and self-determination through ethnic cleansing, colonization, racial discrimination, and military occupation. Despite abundant condemnation of Israeli policies by the UN, other international bodies, and preeminent human rights organisations, the world community has failed to hold Israel accountable and enforce compliance with basic principles of law. Israel’s crimes have continued with impunity.

In view of this continued failure, Palestinian civil society called for a global citizens’ response. On July 9 2005, a year after the International Court of Justice’s historic advisory opinion on the illegality of Israel’s Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), a clear majority of Palestinian civil society called upon their counterparts and people of conscience all over the world to launch broad boycotts, implement divestment initiatives, and to demand sanctions against Israel, until Palestinian rights are recognised in full compliance with international law.

The campaign for boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) is shaped by a rights-based approach and highlights the three broad sections of the Palestinian people: the refugees, those under military occupation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and Palestinians in Israel. The call urges various forms of boycott against Israel until it meets its obligations under international law by:

1) Ending its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands occupied in June 1967 and dismantling the Wall;
2) Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and
3) Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN Resolution 194.

The BDS call was endorsed by over 170 Palestinian political parties, organizations, trade unions and movements. The signatories represent the refugees, Palestinians in the OPT, and Palestinian citizens of Israel.

Boycotts target products and companies (Israeli and international) that profit from the violation of Palestinian rights, as well as Israeli sporting, cultural and academic institutions. Anyone can boycott Israeli goods, simply by making sure that they don’t buy produce made in Israel or by Israeli companies. Campaigners and groups call on consumers not to buy Israeli goods and on businesses not to buy or sell them.

Israeli cultural and academic institutions directly contribute to maintaining, defending or whitewashing the oppression of Palestinians, as Israel deliberately tries to boost its image internationally through academic and cultural collaborations. As part of the boycott, academics, artists and consumers are campaigning against such collaboration and ‘rebranding’. A growing number of artists have refused to exhibit or play in Israel.

Divestment means targeting corporations complicit in the violation of Palestinian rights and ensuring that the likes of university investment portfolios and pension funds are not used to finance such companies. These efforts raise awareness about the reality of Israel’s policies and encourage companies to use their economic influence to pressure Israel to end its systematic denial of Palestinian rights.

Sanctions are an essential part of demonstrating disapproval for a country’s actions. Israel’s membership of various diplomatic and economic forums provides both an unmerited veneer of respectability and material support for its crimes. By calling for sanctions against Israel, campaigners educate society about violations of international law and seek to end the complicity of other nations in these violations.

Ref: http://www.bdsmovement.net/bdsintro

Forum Perdana - Palestine - A Global Issue - Dr Mahathir & Dr Hafidzi

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم رحمة الله وبركاته

Egypt to open Rafah border permanently

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم رحمة الله وبركاته

Palestinians welcome easing of four-year blockade on Gaza Strip, a sharp departure from policies of former president.

There have been several attempts, some successful, to break the blockade on the Gaza Strip
Egypt will permanently open its Rafah border crossing starting from Saturday, the country's official news agency reported, easing a four-year blockade on the Gaza Strip.
The news agency MENA said on Wednesday that Egypt's new military rulers had set the date for the opening of the crossing as part of efforts "to end the status of the Palestinian division and achieve national reconciliation".
It said the Rafah border crossing would be opened permanently, starting on Saturday, from 9am to 9pm every day except Fridays and holidays.
Minha Bakhoum, spokeswoman for the Egyptian foreign ministry, told Al Jazeera that the decision was taken to ease the suffering of Gaza residents.
"This comes in the context of the decision taken by the new Egyptian government to help end the disunity between Palestinian factions, in the absence of any resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict," she said.
Siege 'not over'
Mustafa Barghouti, a long time activist and former Palestinian presidential candidate, told Al Jazeera that re-opening the border was a "big step forward".
"Hundreds of people have lost their lives because they could not get medical care in Gaza, thousands of students have lost their studies, and thousands of businesses have suffered," Barghouti said.
"But the siege is not over. Construction material is still forbidden and that means that the 25,000 houses that were destroyed by Israel during the war on Gaza cannot be rebuilt."
"We appreciate the Egyptian initiative - this is one of the big changes after the Egyptian revolution."
Al Jazeera's Nicole Johnston, reporting from Gaza, said there would still be restrictions in place, preventing men younger than 40 from leaving the strip.
"It will allow basically all women to leave Gaza, also children under the age of 18 years will be allowed to leave, as well as men over the age of 40 years. However, those between the ages of 18 and 40 years will require an Egyptian visa," she said.
"Visas would have to come from Ramallah. Sources in Hamas say they have been told by the Egyptian authorities over the last few weeks that they [Egyptians] do intend to open some sort of representative office inside Gaza, so that people can get the visa from there."
Sharp departure from past
The decision is a sharp departure from the policies of former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, who had restricted the movement of people and goods through the Egyptian-Gaza border.
"One of the military's first and important announcements was to abide by all international agreements that the previous government had committed to," said Ayman Mohyeldin, reporting from Cairo.
One of those agreements commits Egypt to granting access to the crossing to European monitors. Sources told Al Jazeera that European monitors had not been notified that the border would be opening on Saturday.
"Certainly this is going to cause some concerns for Israel, particularly as to what mechanism is going to be put in place," our correspondent said.
Sources at Rafah said it was unlikely that all the mechanisms needed to be put in place could actually be ready in time to deal with the flow of people expected to come out of Gaza.
"There's no doubt if the border is opened freely for all, there's going to be a massive influx of Palestinians, who would want to get out for the first time since the siege was put in place," said Mohyeldin.
Gazans have circumvented the blockade by operating hundreds of smuggling tunnels under the 15km Gaza-Egypt border, which have been used to bring in all manner of products, as well as people.
Israel says Hamas, which controls Gaza, has used the tunnels to import weapons, including rockets that can reach main population centres in Israel.
The crossing has been mostly closed, in line with Israel's blockade on Gaza, imposed since 2007 when Hamas took control of the coastal territory.